Se concentrer sur la communication et l’interaction avec l’approche actionnelle, la classe-inversée, la simulation globale, créer et développer des activités pédagogiques qui nous apportent : Satisfaction participation production interaction formation solution évaluation innovation articulation intonation perception proposition solution acquisition en éducation et formation FLS, FLE, évaluation CECRL, préparation aux DELF, DALF et TEF.
The proposed learning process is tailor-made to fit the objectives and needs of the organization and the participants. An analysis will determine the ranking of the 4 language skills (oral and written expression, oral and written comprehension). Each lesson is focused on a specific objective. It is clearly defined at the beginning and evaluated at the end of the lesson. An essential answer is given to a critical point each time; the student is then able to rearrange his knowledge in his mind and improve his self confidence in French.
The communicative approach is used and aims at professional and social interaction through situation scenarios, role-playing and simulations which reflect the realities found in the field. In small groups or individual tutoring, the objective is to maximize these communication interactions with local Francophones through cooperative teaching.
Staying with a family in their home in Trois-Rivières allows a participant to live a total immersion experience in a 100% Francophone environment and the program creates as many occasions as possible for the participant to communicate naturally with Francophones.